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How to manage Contacts and assign to Clients. Contacts are phone numbers or email addresses.

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How to Update Contacts

Last Updated 2 days ago

Updating Contacts on eCourtDate Allows Users to Ensure Accurate and Up-to-Date Information for Streamlined Communication.

How to Trash or Archive Contacts

Last Updated 2 days ago

Trashing or Archiving Allows Users to Efficiently Declutter Their Contact List by Removing Outdated or Inactive Contacts While Retaining Essential Information for Future Reference or Compliance Purposes.

How to Restore Contacts

Last Updated 2 days ago

Restoring Contacts allows users to easily recover and reactivate deleted or archived contacts, ensuring uninterrupted communication and improving contact list organization for efficient data management.

How to Run Reverse Lookups

Last Updated 8 months ago

Lookup details on any given phone number or email address. Validate your contact lists, improve message deliverability, and improve verification for self-enrollees.

How to Search for Contacts

Last Updated 11 months ago

Searching for Contacts on eCourtDate Allows Quick Access to Specific Individuals for Streamlined Communication and Client Management.

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