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How to manage Clients such as defendants, victims, witnesses, and jurors.

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How to Set Up Addresses for Clients

Last Updated 1 month ago

How to create and validate physical addresses. Associate addresses to clients. Generate and send postcards and letters.

How to Manually Add a New Client

Last Updated 1 month ago

Add New Clients Manually To Improve Communication and Client Management on eCourtDate.

How to Add Contact Information for a Client

Last Updated 3 months ago

Learn How to Add Client's Contact Information to Streamline Your Communication Process on eCourtDate.

How to Restore Clients via Bulk Actions

Last Updated 8 months ago

Restoring via Bulk Actions empowers eCourtDate users to efficiently restore multiple clients from the trash, simplifying client management tasks, ensuring data integrity, and facilitating quick recovery for improved client organization.

How to Archive/Trash Clients via Bulk Actions

Last Updated 8 months ago

Archiving or trashing clients via bulk actions allows to efficiently archive or trash multiple clients in bulk, simplifying client management tasks for improved organization and time-saving purposes.

How to Manually Create an Event for a Client

Last Updated 10 months ago

Easily Schedule and Track Essential Appointments, Hearings, or notifications for Clients on eCourtDate.

Archiving and Trashing Clients

Last Updated 11 months ago

Keep Your Client List Organized on eCourtDate by Archiving and Trashing Clients As Needed.

How to Search for Existing Clients

Last Updated 11 months ago

Use the Global Search on eCourtDate to Search and View Existing Clients Easily.

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