How to Create a New Agency

Create multiple agencies to use eCourtDate for different use cases

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Last updated 9 months ago

How to Create a New Agency

To use this article: sign in to eCourtDate here.

Create multiple agencies to use eCourtDate for different use cases

Why Create a New Agency?

  • You want to use eCourtDate for different client types (Jurors, Defendants, Probationers, etc).

  • You want to use eCourtDate for staff in different physical locations.

  • You are an administrative or IT office serving multiple groups, departments, districts, or locations.


Agency Creation requires Console access on eCourtDate. Click here to log in to the Console.

How to Create a New Agency

Step 1) From the eCourtDate Console screen, click "Login to eCourtDate Console"

Console login screen

Step 2) Click Tools from the top navigation bar.

console tools tab

Step 3) Enter the desired information in the Create Agency form and click on Create Agency.

  • Agency Name: This term is used to distinguish between different court divisions.  
  • Regions: They Provide access to the app. Staging is temporary, while live environments are in US-East, US-West, and US-South.
  • Time Zone: Is the agency's time zone 
  • User Emails: Add any desired users to the agency here. Your user will also be added automatically.
    create agency on the eCourtDate console

What to Expect

After saving, you can expect a confirmation message indicating your agency has been successfully created. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I create multiple agencies using the same account?

Answer: You can create multiple agencies using the same eCourtDate login info. Each agency will have its own settings and case management capabilities.

Question: Can I delete an agency?

Answer: You can delete an agency if it is no longer needed. 

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