About eCourtDate Regions

Multi-Region Architecture for Better Scalability, Reliability, and Security

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Last updated 9 months ago

About eCourtDate Regions

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Multi-Region Architecture for Better Scalability, Reliability, and Security

Why Use eCourtDate Regions?

eCourtDate Regions allow users to customize their experience based on their geographical location and use multiple regions to provide our users with better scalability, reliability, and security.


There are no specific prerequisites for using eCourtDate Regions. However, it is recommended that you understand your agency's settings within eCourtDate.

How to Use eCourtDate Regions

Most users can sign in to their production agency using the multi-region app link: APP LINK

Users who sign in with a custom IDP (such as Azure) must use the direct region link to access their agency.

Production Regions

Production regions support Live Mode to send outbound messages.


Staging Regions

Staging regions disable Live Mode so users can safely test without sending outbound messages.




dev (early release)

demo (view-only, limited version)

Note: inbound texts, emails, and calls can be tested on staging regions.

Note: We recommend creating a one-to-one relationship with staging and production agencies. This way, any configuration can be easily copied to and from each agency using the Console Tools.

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