How to Track Geolocation on Portal Visits

Track geolocation and device data when visitors access portal links. E

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Last updated 8 months ago
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Track geolocation and device data when visitors access portal links. Ensure clients are in authorized locations and increase message delivery validation.

Why Track Geolocation?

Geolocation tracking allows you to receive high-precision geolocation data when clients visit portal links. Use geolocation for supervision tracking, client authentication, and other actions where you require a location such as checking in for an event or uploading a file.


You will need at least one Portal already created. 

How to Track Geolocations by Portal

Step 1) From the Dashboard, click on Admin / Portals:

eCourtDate Portals link under the Gear icon

Step 2) Click on the Portal Name that you'd like to configure Geolocation settings for:

Portal link table

Step 3) In the Visitor Tracking section, choose the desired Geolocation Tracking option and click Save to apply any changes:

  • Disabled: geolocation tracking is completely disabled for the portal. No geolocation data is created or stored.
  • Optional: portal visitors are prompted to enable geolocation permissions but can ignore or block permissions without being restricted from the portal.
  • Required: portal visitors are forced to enable gelocation permissions.
  • Continuous: works similary to Required, while creating a new geolocation in realtime if the device location changes.

Portal Geolocation Tracking Setting

How to Track Geolocations by Flow

To override the Portal Geolocation setting based on a Flow, go to Admin / Flows:

  • Click on the Flow that you'd like to customize the Geolocation setting for.
  • Choose the Geolocation option that you'd like to use.
  • Click Save to apply any changes to the Flow.

Leave blank to use the geolocation setting configured through the Portal.

Note: this setting is only used with Portal links generated by the given Flow. This does not work for auto messages, bulk messages, or one-off messages with a portal link.

Flow Geolocation Tracking Setting

What to Expect as a Portal Visitor

If the Portal Geolocation  Disabled, you can test a portal visitor's experience by clicking on the Portal Link button:

Optional: Portal visitors are prompted to enable Geolocation permissions but can ignore the alert and use the portal:

Geolocation Permissions Prompt

Required: Portal visitors are prompted to enable Geolocation permissions. If they decline to do so or geolocation is not supported on their device, then they are blocked from the portal and redirected to an error page:

Geolocation Required Alert

Continuous: From a visitor's perspective, there is no noticeable difference between Required or Continuous.

What to Expect in the Admin Portal

To view geolocations, from the Dashboard, click on the Geolocations tab:

  • Geolocations are created in real-time as visitors access the portal.
  • Any geolocation history will be visible in the map as well as the table.
  • Geolocations are grouped by relation (related client, similar coordinates, same IP address).

Viewing Geolocation by Client

When a portal visitor a known client, a client Online Status is shown in real-time.

Click the status to see the most recent geolocation:

Real-time Client Online Status

Any related addresses associated with the client are also displayed on the geolocation map.

The geolocation marker will update in real-time as the coordinates change:

Real-time geolocation marker

Available Geolocation Data

When viewing a specific geolocation record, the following data is available based on the portal visitor's device:

Geolocation Data

If geolocation permissions are granted:

  • Latitude and Longitude: the geographic coordinates in decimal degrees.
  • Physical Address: the approximate address based on the geographic coordinates.
  • Accuracy: denotes the accuracy level of the latitude and longitude coordinates in feet.
  • Altitude: denotes the height of the geolocation position, specified in feet above the World Geodetic System ellipsoid (WGS84).
  • Altitude Accuracy: represents the altitude accuracy in feet.
  • Heading: denotes the direction of travel of the device and is specified in degrees, where 0° ≤ heading < 360°, counting clockwise relative to the true north.
  • Speed: denotes the magnitude of the horizontal component of the device's current velocity in feet per second.

Geolocation Example Coordinates and Physical Address Information

IP Address Data

The following data may be available regardless of permissions:

  • IP Address: 99%+ accurate on a country level, 70-90% on a state level, and ~70% on a city level.
  • IP Address Location: the approximate geographic coordinates of the IP address and the physical address.
  • IP Address ISP: the internet service provider associate with the IP address.
  • Browser: the visitor's browser type and version number.
  • Operating System: the visitor's operating system and version number.
  • Device Type: the visitor's device type (mobile, desktop, tablet, watch).
  • Referrer: the link the visitor came from.

Geolocation Example IP Address Information

Network Data

The following data may be available based on device support:

  • Type: the network type (bluetooth, cellular, ethernet, wifi).
  • Downlink: the estimated network bandwidth in megabits per second.
  • RTT Speed: the estimated round-trip time of the current connection (indicates network quality).
  • Low Data Mode: whether the device has a reduced data option enabled.

Geolocation Example Network Information

Device Data

The following data may be available based on device support:

  • Language: the device's preferred language.
  • Timezone: the device's preferred timezone.
  • Battery: whether the battery is currently charging.
  • Charging Time: seconds remaining until the battery is fully charged.
  • Discharging Time: seconds remaining until the battery is fully discharged.
  • Level: indicates the battery charge level as a percentage.
  • Screen width/height: the width and height of the screen in pixels (indicates device size).

Geolocation Example Device Info

Geolocation Error Reason

If the visitor denied Geolocation permissions, the error reason will show:

user denied geolocation  

One of the following errorr reasons:

  • User denied geolocation permissions.
  • Geolocation position is unavailable.
  • Retrieving geolocation position timed out.



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