How to Manually Add a New Client

Add New Clients Manually To Improve Communication and Client Managemen

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Last updated 1 month ago
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Add New Clients Manually To Improve Communication and Client Management on eCourtDate.

Why Manually Add a New Client?

By manually adding a new client on eCourtDate, you can enter their information directly into the system, enabling seamless communication and client management.

How to Add a New Client

 Step 1) Go to the Clients from the top navigation. 

clients button

Step 2) Fill out the client form with the desired information; click the "Add Client" button once complete.

Add client table

What to Expect

After clicking "Add Client," the new client will be successfully added to your clients' list and appear at the top.

You can then click on the client to view their profile, make any changes, and send one-off messages.


 newly created client

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I add additional information to a client's profile later?

Answer: You can update a client's details anytime by accessing their profile. 

Question: Can I import a list of clients in bulk instead of manually adding them individually?

Answer: eCourtDate allows importing clients in bulk using a CSV file.

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