How to Manage Judges

Manage and assign Judges to events, cases, warrants, and payments. Cre

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Last updated 8 months ago
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Manage and assign Judges to events, cases, warrants, and payments. Create reports and dashboards to track real-time metrics by assigned Judge.

Why Manage Judges

Manage and associate Judges with events, cases, warrants, and payments. Create reports and dashboards to track real-time metrics by Judge.

How to Create Judges by Agency

Add Judge Form as an Admin

1) Click on Admin in the top navigation / Settings then click on the Judges tab:

2) In the Add Judge form, enter the Name, then click Add:

3) The new Judge will appear in the table. Click on the Judge to make further changes or fill in the form to create another Judge.

Edit Judge Form as an Admin

The following fields are available for each Judge profile:

  • Name - the full Judge name without "Judge" or other titles.
  • Reference - the unique Judge ID, used primarily for uploads or API.
  • Description - the Judge description, such as the biography for the Judge Portal.
  • Photo - a photo of the Judge, if used on the Portal.
  • Location - the default location the Judge is assigned to, can be overridden on an event-level.
  • Type - the type of Judge.
  • Full Address - the physical and/or mail address for the Judge.
  • Phone - the phone number for the Judge.
  • Email - the email address for the Judge.
  • Website - the website for the Judge.
  • Virtual Link and Code - the virtual meeting link for the Judge, such as a Zoom or Teams link.

When editing a Judge, click Save to apply any changes.

Choose a Portal to create a public profile for the Judge:

Public Judge Portal Demo View

How to Create a Judge by Location

1) Click on Admin in the top navigation then Locations:

2) Choose or create a new Location. Both in-person and virtual locations are supported.

3) Customize the Default Judge setting and click Save to apply any changes.

How to Create Judges by Uploads

When bulk creating data through flat file uploads, the Assigned Judge can be mapped through an Upload Template.

How to Create a Judge When Editing an Event

When editing an event, you can quickly create a new Judge without going to the Settings page.

1) Click on Events in the top navigation, then choose an event in the table:

2) In the Assigned Judge, choose Add a New Judge, then enter a Judge name in the field that appears:

3) Click Save to apply any changes.

How to Search for Events by Assigned Judge

1) Click on Events in the top navigation.

2) In the Search Events form, choose the desired Assigned Judge. 

The event results will automatically update once the Assigned Judge is changed.

How to Run a Bulk Action by Assigned Judge

1) Click on Bulk Actions in the top navigation, then create or click on an existing bulk action in the table:

2) In the Search Clients form, choose the desired Assigned Judge.

The client results will automatically update once the Assigned Judge is changed.

How to Use the Judge Name in a Message Template

Use the merge tag [JudgeName] to auto-populate the Assigned Judge for associated records.

  • This merge tag will only work on event, case, warrant, or payment related records. We recommend only using [JudgeName] in Flows and Auto Messages where the specific record is triggered (such as Event Created/Updated).
  • For general messages such as Client Created where the Assigned Judge may not be available, use the [PrimaryJudge] merge tag to use the primary Judge configured in the General Settings page.
  • In use cases where the specific Judge may not be relevant, use [RandomJudge] to select a Judge randomly.


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