How to Trash or Archive Contacts

Trashing or Archiving Allows Users to Efficiently Declutter Their Cont

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Last updated 2 days ago
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Trashing or Archiving Allows Users to Efficiently Declutter Their Contact List by Removing Outdated or Inactive Contacts While Retaining Essential Information for Future Reference or Compliance Purposes.

Why Trash or Archive Contacts?

Trashing or archiving contacts on eCourtDate helps update the contact list, ensures compliance, improves communication efficiency, and enhances data management.


Trashing or archiving contacts requires having the contact in the contacts list.

How to Trash or Archive Contacts

Step 1) Click on Clients from the top navigation, then the "Contacts" tab.

clients contacts tab

Step 2) Once on the desired contact, click on the Tools button, then "Archive" or "Trash." 

archive or trash contact

What to Expect

After selecting "Archive" or "Trash.", you should expect to see the change applied immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I restore trashed or archived contacts if needed?

 Answer: You can restore trashed or archived contacts. Click Tools > Restore when viewing any contact.

Question: Can I search for trashed or archived contacts?

Answer: You can use the search form and enable the "Trashed Contacts" or "Archived Contacts" settings to find specific contacts before restoring them.

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