How to Search for Contacts

Searching for Contacts on eCourtDate Allows Quick Access to Specific I

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Last updated 11 months ago
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Searching for Contacts on eCourtDate Allows Quick Access to Specific Individuals for Streamlined Communication and Client Management.

Why Search for Contacts?

Searching for contacts on eCourtDate allows you quickly find and access specific individuals within your contacts list, streamlining communication and case management processes.


Searching for contacts requires contact to be added on eCourtDate. How to Add Contact Information for a Client.

How to Search for Contacts

Step 1) Click on Clients from the top navigation, then the "Contacts" tab.

clients contacts tab

Step 2) Enter the contact information and click "Search Contacts."

  • You can filter by Type, Channel, or Creator.
  • Enable the Opted in, Opted out, Archived, Trashed, Valid, or Invalid as needed.
  • Add the client name directly or enter contact info in the Search box to find desired results.

search contacts form


What to Expect

After clicking "Search Contacts," you should expect to see contact(s) matching your search parameters.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I edit contact information after searching for a specific contact?

Answer: You can edit contact information by accessing the contact's details and editing whatever is needed. Click here to Learn How to Update Contacts. 

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