How to Remind Clients About Outstanding Payment Obligations throu

Expedite client payments by using payment uploads to notify them of th

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Last updated 9 months ago
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Expedite client payments by using payment uploads to notify them of their outstanding payment obligations promptly.

Why Remind Clients About Outstanding Payment Obligations through Uploads?

Use the Payment Reminders Upload feature to Streamline payment procedures by scheduling automatic payment reminders to clients in eCourtDate.


1. Create and map a "Payments" upload template. Click here to learn How to Create and Map a Sample Payment Upload Template.
2. Create a Payment Flow.  Click here to learn How to Create a Sample Payment Flow.
3. Create a Payment Portal. Click here to learn How to Setup a Payment Portal.
4. Link the payment portal to the payment Flow. Click here to learn How to Link a Payment portal to payment flow. 

How to Remind Clients About Outstanding Payment Obligations through Uploads

Step 1) Click on Uploads from the top navigation.

Step 2) Click on the "Uploads" tab and select "Browse" to upload your file. Then, choose the appropriate upload template and click "Add" to upload.

add upload form

What to Expect

Once you have uploaded the file successfully, you should expect the scheduling of payment message(s) for any outstanding payments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How do I know if a payment reminder has been sent successfully?

Answer: You can track the status of the payment reminders in the overview section of the client case or on the dashboard. There, you will see a list of all messages, their delivery status, and any responses or actions taken by the client.

Question: Can I customize the content of the payment reminders?

Answer: Yes, you can customize the message and content of the payment reminders to include specific information or instructions tailored to your court's needs.

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