Troubleshooting Uploads

Step-by-step guide on how to troubleshoot your uploads

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Last updated 1 year ago

Troubleshooting Uploads

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Step-by-step guide on how to troubleshoot your uploads

If you have difficulty uploading files to eCourtDate, here are some quick and easy troubleshooting tips:


Step 1) Check for the Upload Complete email notification. The email notification will look something like this:


email notification

Step 2) Check for any upload warnings or errors on the upload file. Example errors include fields not being mapped correctly.



Step 3) Check if there are any valid rows on the file.




Step 4) To validate parsing, search the data file and verify that it matches the upload file.


search file


Step 5) Verify that the rows match the same number of rows on the original file.


row number on file
data spreadsheet


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