How to Setup a Pay Link

Create a pay link and quickly start accepting payments online with an

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  3. How to Setup a Pay Link
Last updated 7 months ago
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Create a pay link and quickly start accepting payments online with an accessible and multilingual portal.

Why Use Pay Links?

Payment links are shareable links for clients to pay a fixed or variable amount. Payment links don't require an existing outstanding payment or client in eCourtDate, and multiple pay links can be created for different fines, fees, and services.

Payment Links allow you to accept payments and provide offline payment instructions instantly; without waiting for a case management system integration or update.

How to Create a Pay Link

Step 1) From the main navigation bar, click Payments:

main navigation payments tab

Step 2) Click the Pay Links tab. In the Add Pay Link form:

  • Enter a name for your pay link (this can be changed later).
  • Choose a payment portal (required).
  • Click Add to create the pay link.
  • You'll be redirected automatically to the new pay link.


If you don't have a payment portal, create one in Admin / Portals.

Each Pay Link can only be associated with one portal at a time. 

You can create any number of unique pay links.

Step 3) Customize the pay link as desired. Make sure to click Save after making any changes.

Pay Link Location

(optional) Choose a Location for the Pay Link to provide in-person payment instructions based on a specific Location.

Choose a Location for a Pay Link

Pay Link Amounts

Pay links can be configured to accept a payee-entered amount or a fixed amount. Pay links do not retrieve an existing payment obligation.

  • Default Amount: the default amount for the pay link. Leave blank or $0 for any amount.
  • Minimum Amount: the minimum amount for the pay link. Leave blank or $0 for no minimum.
  • Maximum Amount: the maximum amount for the pay link. Leave blank or $0 for no maximum.

*Minimum and maximum amounts may apply based on the payment method used. 

To require a fixed amount; make the Default, Minimum, and Maximum fields the same value.

Pay Links Configurable Amounts

Pay Link Fields

Require payees to enter additional info when submitting a pay link. Click on any available payment fields that you'd like to enable. 

  • Customize the field name.
  • Choose whether the field is required.
  • Drag and drop the field sort order.

Pay Link Enabled Fields

Pay Link Auto Messages

Send an Auto Message when a Pay Link is submitted.

Pay Link Auto Message Setting

The triggered Auto Message will support any [Payment] related merge tags.

When a Pay Link is submitted, an outstanding one-off payment is created. If you have an Payment Created Auto Message, a message may already get triggered automatically. 

We recommend using the Pay Link Auto Message setting if you want to notify the payee of any additional information/steps besides the outstanding payment. 

Pay Link Multilingual Settings

Pay Links support multilingual translations for the Title and Description fields. Each enabled language in General Settings can be customized. When a language is added, you can click the Auto Translate button to translate the English version to the desired language. 

Pay Links Multilingual Title and Description Fields

QR Code Generator

Click Generate QR, then click the desired language for the QR code. You'll be redirected to the QRs page with a PDF generated based on the pay link.

Note: if the Pay Link allows a variable amount, you can customize the default amount for the QR code by changing the Payment Amount setting when editing the QR code.

Generate QR Code with a Payment Amount


What to Expect

Click the Open button to see the public version of your Pay Link. This is the URL that can be shared with anyone to make a payment.

Pay Links Open Button to go to Public Pay Link URL

When someone submits the public pay link form, a one-off payment obligation is automatically created. The payee can then immediately make the payment online (if enabled) or use offline instructions to make a payment later.

Demo Pay Link Public View




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