How to Create and Map a Payment Upload Template

Configure and map a payment upload template for faster file uploads and automatic payment reminders.

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Last updated 6 months ago

How to Create and Map a Payment Upload Template

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Configure and map a payment upload template for faster file uploads and automatic payment reminders.

Why Create and Map a Payment Upload Template?

Create and map a payment upload template to automatically streamline the process of uploading payments in eCourtDate.


Creating and mapping a payment upload template requires access to the upload feature.

How to Create and Map a Payment Upload Template

Step 1) Click on Uploads from the top navigation, then the File Templates tab.

upload file templates tab

Step 2) Click on the Import button on the Payments template.

import button payments template on uploads

Step 3) Enter your preferred settings, map the fields in your template to the corresponding fields in your payment data source (e.g., Excel spreadsheet, CSV file), and click Save.

  • Click the Simulate button to see a simulated file with predefined information.
  • Add your file extension and update method, then click Save.
  • You may add or remove settings as needed.

payment upload template form

What to Expect

After saving, you should expect the latest settings to be applied and ready to use.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I edit or modify a template after creating it?
Answer: Yes, you can typically edit or modify templates if needed. Access the template from your upload template section and make the necessary changes.

Question: How do I troubleshoot issues with mapping fields?
Answer: If you encounter issues with field mapping, refer to this help article for troubleshooting guidance.

Question: Can I use the same template for recurring uploads?
Answer: You can reuse the same template for recurring uploads if the data structure remains consistent.

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