How to Create a One-off Payment Request for a client

Use eCourtDate’s Payment Reminder to Quickly Send One-off Payment Re

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Last updated 1 month ago
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Use eCourtDate’s Payment Reminder to Quickly Send One-off Payment Requests and Notify Clients of Their Payment Obligations.

Why Create a One-off Payment Request?

Create one-off payments to notify clients about outstanding payment obligations.


  • A Client with at least one valid contact (phone or email). Click here to learn How to Add Contact Information for a Client.
  • At least one Flow or Auto Message that uses payment-related triggers.
  • A payment portal to link messages to (Optional).

How to Create a One-off Payment Request?

Step 1) From the main navigation bar, go to Payments. 

main navigation payments tab

Step 2) Click on the Payments tab and search for the desired client by inputting their name. Once you find the client, click on their name to select them.

search clients on the payments tab

Step 3) Enter the Payment Amount and Reference, then click "Add." The payment will appear on the top list once added.

add payment for client field

Step 4: Click the Payment to modify the payment form as needed.

Click the payment to modify any details

  • Select a Flow to automatically send messages and set up a Portal for payment term information.
  • To populate the flow message with merge tags, add the Case Number, Citation, Description, or Location Notes.
  • Click the "Save" button once you finish your desired edits.

edit payment card

What to Expect

Flow Message(s) will be auto-created and visible on the payment edit and client pages.

Example Payment Message

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I edit or delete a one-off payment? 

Yes, you can edit or delete a one-off payment by going to the payment and clicking on the "Tools" button, then selecting either the Trash or Archive option.

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